The Royal Peacock, also known as the Blue, Indian or Common Peacock, is originally from the Indian Subcontinent.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Galliformes
Family Phasianidae
Genus Pavo
Species P. cristatus
he Royal Peacock, also known as the Blue, Indian or Common Peacock, is originally from the Indian Subcontinent. It has great sexual dimorphism. In males, the head, neck, the front of the chest and the beginning of the mantle are bright blue and metallic. On the head, they have a white and black face mask and a crest with a very characteristic shape, bordered in blue. The mantle has a metallic green color, as does the back of the chest and the abdomen. The wings are streaked with beige and dark brown, the secondary feathers are black and the primary feathers are orange. The supra-caudal feathers of metallic green color have long beards and ocelli of blue and bronze color and these are 100 to 150 feathers that form the well-known “tail” of the male peacock. Underneath these dark brown feathers there are rigid feathers, which support the long supra-caudals during the bridal display. Thus, the tail measures 40 to 45 cm in males and 32 to 38 cm in females, but the supra-caudals reach 140 to 160 cm in males. Females have a crest similar to that of males, but its boarder is brown, and a plumage predominantly dark brown, with the exception of the back of the neck, which is metallic green, and the abdominal region which is light in color. They feed on seeds, berries, wild figs, insects, small reptiles and small mammals.
During reproduction, harems are formed, consisting of a male and three or four females. They are territorial and vocalize frequently during the exuberant wedding parade. The male raises the supra-caudal feathers, forming a fan with a pattern of ocelli of blue and bronze colors, on a metallic-green background, which shakes in a movement that makes the ocelli vibrate and produces a very characteristic sound. When the male turns his back to the female, he lowers and shakes the orange-colored primary feathers. If she is receptive, copulation may follow.
The nest is built on the ground and consists of a small depression outlined by leaves, usually hidden in a bush. The peahens usually lay 3 to 8 eggs, which are incubated for 28 to 30 days by the female alone. The peachicks are nidifugous.
The Canary, also called the Canary of the Kingdom, is originally from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands.
The Wood Duck is a species of duck native to the swampy areas of the east coast of the United States of America.
The Whistling Duck, or Dendrocisne bicolor, owes its name to the calls in the form of an acute whistle that are heard when it feeds, rests or flies.
Originally from East Asia, this quail started to be raised in captivity by the Japanese, who liked to hear its singing.
The Golden Pheasant or Chinese Pheasant is native to the forests and the mountainous areas of Western China.
The Ghigi Pheasant or Canary Pheasant is a mutation of the Golden Pheasant and is very similar to it. It has more discreet plumage that is bright yellow, hence the name Canary.
The Lady Amherst Pheasant is originally from the mountains of southwest China. The name Amherst, is a tribute to the Countess Sarah Windsor Amherst.
O Faisão Versicolor ou Faisão Verde Japonês é uma ave nativa do Arquipélago do Japão onde é endémica. É a ave nacional do Japão.
The Cape Barren Goose, commonly called Cereopsis, is a large goose originally from southern Australia.
The Canada Goose is one of the most well-known birds of North America. It is found allover the US and Canada, at different times of the year.
The Nothern Pintail is a duck of similar size to the Mallard, measuring from 60 to 70 cm in length and weighing between 735 and 1030 grams.
The Mallard is an anseriforme bird that inhabits temperate and subtropical areas of North America, Europe and Asia.
The Black-shouldered Indian Peafowl is distinguished from the Royal or Blue Peacock, in that it does not have streaked shoulders.
The Royal Peacock, also known as the Blue, Indian or Common Peacock, is originally from the Indian Subcontinent.
The Ruddy Shelduck is a large omnivorous duck of 58 to 70 cm in length and with a wingspan of 110 to 135 cm.
The Black-bellied Whistling Duck, formerly called the Black-bellied Tree Duck, owes its name to the fact that in autumn it often rests on trees.