All domestic rabbit types are derived from the wild European rabbit.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Lagomorpha
Family Leporidae
Genus Oryctolagus
Species O. cuniculus
he Common Rabbit or European Rabbit is the most common species of this animal, characterized by its short tail and long ears and legs. Their fur is soft and can be black, brownish, grayish, bleached, or have a combination of these colors. As an adult, their length varies between 20and 35 cm, with a weight of 1 to 2.5 kg. Native from the Iberian Peninsula, this breed has spread over the entire continent and throughout the world. All domestic rabbit types are derived from the wild European rabbit.
The rabbit’s gestation period is six weeks. The female has high prolificacy, being able to give birth from the age of six months. Usually females birth up to 6 times a year, each time having four to eight kits. The kits are born initially without vision and without hair. Twelve hours after giving birth, the female can mate again.
The Guinea Fowl, "Pet Speckled Hen" or "Original Fowl" originated from Africa, and they are a very nervous birds.
We prioritize the Portuguese breeds, the Pedrês, the Black, the White and the Yellow, but we have many more.